A moving candlelit vigil as I joined Parliamentarians 4 Peace colleagues across the House to mark International Human Rights Day and the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
A moving candlelit vigil as I joined Parliamentarians 4 Peace colleagues across the House to mark International Human Rights Day and the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Like so many people in Hornsey & Wood Green, I have watched the news in horror over recent months.  The humanitarian situation in Gaza is critical and deteriorating.  More than a million Palestinians are facing starvation.

This must end now.  We need an immediate ceasefire, the release and return of all hostages, an end to settlement expansion and settler violence, and full humanitarian access to Gaza to help innocent Palestinians, many of whom are now without food, water, and medicine.  UNRWA funding must be restored.

I am appalled at the situation in Rafah.  For months now Labour has been saying that an Israeli offensive there would be catastrophic for the one million Palestinians sheltering and we have called on the UK Government to work with partners to put maximum international pressure on to stop this happening.  It is intolerable to see the scenes of innocent Palestinian civilians, including young children, killed and I utterly condemn any strikes on refugee camps within what are supposed to be “safe zones”.

In Parliament, many months ago now I put my name to Labour’s motion calling for an immediate ceasefire, for Israel to comply in full with the ICJ ruling of Friday 26 January 2024 and supporting recognition of Palestine as a contribution to, rather than an outcome, of a two-state solution.  You can read the full text of Labour’s motion here.

We also need guarantees that humanitarian aid workers can work in safety.  I am appalled at the killing of seven World Central Kitchen workers, including three British Nationals, killed whilst helping others.  It is outrageous and unacceptable and not the first time that aid workers have come under fire in Israel’s campaign.  More UN aid workers have been killed in Gaza than in any other conflict in history.  There must be an urgent investigation and those responsible must be held to account.

I remain extremely concerned about escalation.  This must be avoided.  A full-scale conflict in the middle east is in no one’s interest, and is a path to yet more bloodshed, more instability, and more loss of innocent life.  I condemn Iran’s drone and missile attack and urge restraint for the sake of all those caught up in this unimaginable horror.

My position has always been that whilst I believe Israel had the right to defend itself after the horrific Hamas attack of 7 October and seek to secure the release of hostages, there can be no justification for the humanitarian catastrophe we are now seeing playing out in Gaza.  Over 29,000 dead, including 13,000 children, nowhere safe for trapped civilians to go and more Palestinians now dying from hunger and thirst than from bombs and bullets.   The violence must stop now.

I also believe that press freedom is a fundamental right and journalists must be afforded the protections they need to carry out their crucial work safely.

At the bottom of this page, you can see the actions Labour has been taking in Parliament and beyond since 7 October to make that case for peace.  We continue to push for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, the release of all remaining hostages, a massive influx of aid, the protection of civilians, an end to extremist rhetoric and a sustainable long-term ceasefire.

Violence has devastated lives in the region for far too long and, as this latest crisis has unfolded, I have been alarmed, not only by the situation in Gaza, but also by the growth in illegal settlement activity, intimidation, and attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli settlers.   I condemn this and urge the Israeli authorities to prevent settler violence, ensure accountability for perpetrators and condemn extremist rhetoric.  My colleague David Lammy MP, Labour’s shadow foreign secretary has outlined the work he is doing to engage with leaders in the region, with the goal to immediately alleviate the suffering of civilians in Gaza and in the long-term, work towards a two-state solution.  He also wrote to the former Foreign Secretary about the deteriorating situation in the Occupied West Bank and his letter has my full support.

The road to peace is through a two-state solution: a viable Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel.  Labour is absolutely committed to this and to the recognition of the state of Palestine, which Gaza must be part of.

A few years ago, I visited Israel and the West Bank on a trip organised for Parliamentarians by Medical Aid for Palestinians and the Council for Arab British Understanding (CAABU).  I saw then how difficult life was for so many, and how desperately Palestinians and Israelis alike needed a political solution to end the violence and live in peace and security.  However hard this challenge will be, making real progress with this goal will be a priority for the next Labour Government.

As the MP for Hornsey & Wood Green, my focus since 7 October has also been on the impact these events are having right here in our own community.  I have been appalled and deeply saddened that the Community Safety Trust and the Metropolitan Police have reported a steep increase in anti-Semitic incidents, including abuse and assaults. Tell Mama has reported a tripling of cases to their services, including reports of Islamophobia threats, abuse, and assaults.  I know that there is real concern within our community about safety right here on our streets, and I have met with Jewish and Muslim leaders locally to offer my support.  I am also in close, regular contact with Haringey Police and Haringey Council.   You can view my statement here on the community reassurance work taking place locally as well as details of how to report any concerns.

Here are some of the actions that Labour has been taking since the barbaric Hamas terrorist attack on 7 October:

  • We have called for a political resolution to this conflict that sees a sustainable ceasefire and a path to a two-state solution.  That must start with another full and immediate humanitarian truce across the whole of Gaza, as this would alleviate the suffering of Palestinian civilians.  Hamas must release all the remaining hostages. The full pause must start immediately so that aid, fuel, water, food and medicine can be delivered to people who need it. We are speaking to the UN, NGOs, and the UK Government about how civilians in Gaza can be protected. Labour Leader Keir Starmer has also asked the PM if he will commit to the appointment of a special co-ordinator for international aid to Gaza as the US has done.
  • We have pressed the government to set out a clear plan to ensure the safe return of British nationals in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories who want to return. We have worked with the government on the chartering of rescue flights.
  • In October, Shadow International Development Secretary, Lisa Nandy, met with her counterpart, Minister Mitchell, to discuss the urgent need for humanitarian assistance for innocent civilians in Gaza. You can read her letter here. Lisa has also been working with allies to call for food, water, medicine and fuel into all areas of Gaza to help Palestinians who are suffering. We have also called on the immediate deployment of British experts and medical support teams, as well as working with international partners to give UN agencies, such as UNRWA, the long-term resources they need.
  • Lisa Nandy has made repeated calls for aid efforts to be scaled up because the situation is severe and rapidly deteriorating. That means more food, water, medicine, and fuel urgently getting into Gaza. Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy MP and Shadow International Development Secretary Lisa Nandy have together sent this letter to the then Foreign Secretary.
  • Shadow International Development Secretary, Lisa Nandy, and Shadow Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, visited the region and met with UNICEF in Egypt, UNRWA leaders in Cairo and with foreign ministers in Amman, Doha and Cairo.
  • Labour Leader Keir Starmer made a speech at Chatham House where he set out the steps that must be taken to ensure an enduring end to the violence and a two-state solution with a sovereign Palestine alongside a safe and secure Israel.
  • We have made repeatedly clear that all parties must comply with international law at all times and that when Palestinians are forced to flee their homes for safety, they must not be permanently displaced.
  • We continue to support a two-state solution – we want to see a sovereign Palestine and a secure Israel. You can read how a Labour Government would work towards a two-state solution here.
  • We have expressed our concern, not only by the situation in Gaza, but also by the growth in illegal settlement activity, intimidation and attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli settlers. I believe the UK Government must condemn acts of violence and extremism by Israeli settlers in the West Bank and call on the Israeli authorities to prevent settler violence, ensure accountability for perpetrators and condemn extremist rhetoric. My colleague David Lammy, wrote to the Foreign Secretary on the deteriorating situation in the Occupied West Bank.
  • One million children in Gaza need safe shelter, food, water and medicine – this is absolutely devastating. Lisa Nandy has called on Ministers to come up with and implement an emergency plan to support the children of Gaza.
  • We have been clear that we support the independence of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and David Lammy MP has called on the Minister to recognise the ICC’s jurisdiction to address the conduct of all parties in Gaza, as Labour does.
  • David Lammy was back in the region in late November to hold discussions with various partners, including the Saudi Foreign Minister and the President of Israeli and Palestinian representatives to reiterate our desire to work with international partners to secure a lasting peace with a free and sovereign Palestine and a secure Israel.
  • David Lammy MP and Yvette Cooper MP have written jointly to the Secretary of State to express Labour’s concern about the lack of protection for the Palestinian Mission in London, which has been subject to appalling attacks, vandalism and threats.  Diplomats must be able to operate freely and securely – and you can read our full letter here.
  • On Monday 4 December, Lisa Nandy MP the shadow International Development Secretary secured another Urgent Question in Parliament which you can view here: Gaza: Humanitarian Situation – Hansard – UK ParliamentIn it, you will see that Labour urged the Government to continue to push for another cessation of hostilities and for all the remaining hostages to be freed.
  • On Monday 11 December, my colleague David Lammy MP secured another Urgent Question where he reiterated our calls for a cessation of hostilities to provide urgent humanitarian relief to Gazans, the release of all hostages, and a stepping-stone towards an enduring end to this war.
  • That same day, I joined the UK solidarity launch of “Standing Together”, supporting Israel’s Jewish and Palestinian grassroots movement for peace, equality and social justice.  This work has never been more important, and you can support it here.
  • On Tuesday 19 December, I was on the front bench for an Urgent Question on the situation in Israel and Gaza. David Lammy led Labour’s response, calling on the UK to support a UN resolution that would protect civilian lives, urge hostages to be released and to renew impetus towards a two-state solution.
  • On a visit to the region in January, Labour’s Shadow International Development Secretary Lisa Nandy MP called again for a renewed, urgent focus on a two-state solution to end violence in Israel and occupied Palestine.  Read her comments in The Guardian here.
  • We used the first day of Parliament’s return after the Christmas recess to secure an Urgent Question, and I was on Labour’s front bench as Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy again called for a sustained ceasefire and an immediate humanitarian truce.  Not a short pause but a crucial step to end the killing of innocents, provide urgent humanitarian relief, ward off famine, free hostages and provide the space for a sustainable ceasefire so that the violence does not return.  You can read the Hansard transcript of the debate here.
  • On Wednesday 24 January, Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey MP again called for an immediate humanitarian truce, a sustainable ceasefire, and a diplomatic process towards a two-state solution.  WATCH here.
  • On Monday 5 February, Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey MP once again stressed our calls for a sustainable ceasefire in Gaza. We want the killing of innocent civilians to stop, all hostages to be released and more aid into Gaza. You can watch his intervention here.
  • Following the concerning allegations that twelve UNWRA employees may have been involved in the appalling 7 October terror attacks, I believe it is right that UNRWA have launched an investigation and that anyone involved should be held to account in full by the law.  However, whilst this takes place, it must not be innocent Palestinians who pay the price.  In Parliament, Labour has sought assurances that no UK aid has been withdrawn, that going forward it is still being provided to Gaza and that while investigations are ongoing UNWRA operations can continue.  Labour’s Shadow International Development Secretary Lisa Nandy said nothing must disrupt the flow of aid – not just into Gaza but through Gaza.  It would be unconscionable if anything was done to stop UK aid getting aid to the children who need it right now.  You can watch her full speech here, together with Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy’s latest speech stressing the need for aid to increase – not stop.
  • Diplomacy is the only route to a lasting peace and Labour is doing everything we can from opposition to engage with leaders in the region with the goal of both immediately alleviating the suffering of civilians in Gaza and achieving a longer-term sustainable peace. Keir Starmer has made this clear during meetings with the Prime Minister of Qatar, the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Munich Security Conference, and during his speech at the Scottish Labour Party Conference in February 2024. 
  • On Tuesday 20 February, I welcomed Shadow International Development Secretary Lisa Nandy MP to Hornsey & Wood Green to set out the work Labour has been doing since 7 October to lead the aid effort.  As well as the work outlined above, this includes: urging the UK Government to ensure there is no interruption in the flow of funding to UNRWA in the next financial year; visiting Egypt to understand the limitations of aid flow through the Rafah crossing; pushing strongly for the Kerem Shalom to be opened to increase aid capacity; calling for UK air drops of aid and the establishment of a British field hospital within Gaza; meeting with British Palestinian families and raising the need for a children’s plan including the evacuation for surgery of children with urgent medical needs.
  • On Friday 8 March, Shadow International Development Secretary Lisa Nandy MP wrote to the FCDO to urge that UK funding to UNRWA continues.  It is critical to the aid effort in Gaza and across the entire region.  Read the letter here.
  • To mark the start of Ramadan, Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy MP has yet again written to the Foreign Secretary urging an immediately humanitarian ceasefire, demand that Israel increase aid flows and resume funding for UNRWA.  Read the letter in full here.
  • From the front bench in Parliament on Tuesday 12 March I raised the critical importance of ensuring that this Ramadan, Passover and Easter, access to places of worship in Jerusalem – including Al-Aqsa Mosque – are respected. The British government must make it clear that any restrictions are unacceptable and would inflame tensions.  Watch my question here:


  • On 22 March, Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy MP wrote to the Foreign Secretary urging him to publish the Foreign Office’s legal advice on Israel’s compliance with international humanitarian law. I believe that the Foreign Secretary and the Prime Minister must now come clean and publish the advice they have received.
  • On 26 March, David Lammy MP, asked the Foreign Minister a simple question: “Has the Foreign Secretary received legal advice saying there is a clear risk that items licenced by the UK to Israel might be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of international law?” The Minister failed to give a clear answer. Watch here
  • On 29 April, Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey MP asked an urgent question in Parliament about the role of UK armed forces helping to get aid into Gaza and the ned for unimpeded access.  Watch here or read the Hansard transcript here.
  • I have submitted a Written Parliamentary Question asking the Government if they have any plans for a UK Visa Scheme.  Read my question here.
  • On May 7th, David Lammy secured an Urgent Question on the situation in Gaza. He stressed that an Israeli offensive in Rafah would be catastrophic and it must not go ahead. The UK Government must now use its position to make clear Israel’s obligation to follow the rules of war.  Read the Hansard transcript here.
  • I attended and took part in the Westminster Hall debate on Monday 13 May on a visa scheme for Palestinians.  Read the full Hansard transcript of the debate here.
  • Following the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) application for arrest warrants, Labour secured yet another Urgent Question and made clear that, whilst the Conservative Government have backtracked on their commitment to the rule of law, we support the independence of international courts. The Prosecutor’s application for warrants, as well as the ICC’s jurisdiction, is a matter for the ICC.
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